Archives: Services

The Mystery of Love

While we talk about love all the time, in a thousand different ways, do we really know what love is? And is it a force in our lives or simply human sentimentality?

What Makes a Father

This will be a celebration of our fathers and all that makes them who they are and the qualities that make them worthy of the title.

Tribute to Simon & Garfunkel

Ken Sizemore has been performing folk and early pop music all over the country for more than 40 years. He plays the “classic” folk music of the 50s, 60s, and 70s. His repertoire also includes some selections from pop artists and even pays tribute to … read more.

Annual Congregational Meeting

The practice of congregational polity dictates that the business of our congregations take place at congregational meetings. At this Annual Congregational Meeting, we will hear reports from our officers, elect our new Board of Directors, approve the annual budget, and conduct other business.

This Is Me

2019.05.26 – Pastor, Lord & High Priest David-Michael Searcy
“This Is Me“
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Giving away your personal power robs you of your spiritual and mental strength. We have to make conscious choices to take back our power which is key to being in control … read more.

Flower Communion

Our Flower Communion is an annual ritual that celebrates beauty, human uniqueness, diversity, and community. In this intergenerational ceremony, everyone in the congregation brings a flower and places it in a shared vase. The congregation and minister bless the flowers, and each person brings home … read more.

2019 May 12

Mother’s Day. Rev. Dillard is an ordained Interfaith Minister and a Professor of Rhetoric at GCSU in Milledgeville GA. He has a Bachelor’s in Speech Communication from Blackburn College and an M.S. and PhD in Speech Communication (Performance Studies) from Southern Illinois University.

2019 April 28

“Holocaust Remembrance Week” The United States Congress established the Days of Remembrance as the nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust. Each year, the Week of Remembrance, runs from the Sunday before Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hashoah) through the following Sunday.