Together We Create Climate Justice

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Dear Congregation Members,

Greetings to you! In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the season of new beginnings as spring unfolds, sometimes tentatively, sometimes lavishly with new life, sunshine and color. This time of new beginnings has me thinking about celebrating Earth Day and giving thanks for the growing global movement for climate justice.

There is a particular pain in witnessing a celebration of the environment that advocates for forests and animals but leaves out the specific people who are disproportionately affected. As Unitarian Universalists, we recognize the need not just to change our individual relationship to the planet and consumption but to confront systems that are interlocking, that exploit the planet and people of color.

That’s why our Green Sanctuary Program guides us to both “act with love and justice to heal the earth, our home” as well as “support frontline communities to protect people and the web of life,” and “take courageous action to fight against environmental and climate injustices.” We must all do our part and what that looks like will be different for each of us. But there are no individual solutions to systemic problems. All three together are necessary to meet the moment and honor our relations.

I am grateful to the young people of the Sunrise Movement (including so many of our UU Youth for Climate Justice) for raising the stakes and forcing care for our planet onto the agenda of policy makers and educating us all as to how dire a situation the past decades of neglect have caused.

I’m heartened to know that we’re still in this and that there are UUs who are taking up this work. I share with you a list of resources and readings that our staff has compiled for further study and deeper action.

In faith,

Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

UUA President

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