Weekly Attendance

2012 December 30
The Worth and Dignity of Every Person

Active:   15
Inactive:  0
Friends:   1
Visitors:  1
Youths:    0
Speaker:   0
Total:    17

Ben Bradely *
Laura Burton (piano)*
Kasey Castleberry (service leader)*
Mike Davis * (treasurer rep)
Sam Davis *
Janet Dunsmore *
Robin Lewis-Wild *
Susan Maloney *
Martha Martin
Kathy Romanick *(secretary)
Bob Sherrod *
Donna Waddell *
Diane Wickham *
Terry Woehr * (speaker rep)
Gayle Wood *

Bruce Wood *

Ben Teasley (1st visit)

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). An asterix (*) indicates stayed for CoC. Colton Parker showed up for the CoC but did not attend the service.