Weekly Attendance

2012 December 16
The Spirit of Inclusion

Active:   14
Inactive:  1
Friends:   5
Visitors:  5
Youths:    7
Speaker:   1 (Lord David-Michael Searcy)
Total:    33

Geraldine Barker
Ben Bradley
Kasey Castleberry (service leader)
David Center *
Shirley Center *
Allen Depta
Linda Kelly
Kathy Romanick
Lisa Tyler *
Donna Waddell
Ted Woehr
Terry Woehr
Gayle Wood
Geri Zimmermann

Colton Parker

John Myers
Heather Parker
Michael Romanick
Rhonda Siler
Bruce Wood

Michele Denski (1st visit)
Adam Goode (1st visit)
Renea Goode (1st visit)
Caprina Overton (1st visit)
Jennifer Rodriguez (2nd visit)

Andrew Romanick
Ethan Romanick
Angel Parker
Kane Parker
Scott Parker
Thomas Rodriquez
Bryson Watkins (child of Goodes, 1st visit)

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). This was a Youth Sunday. An asterix (*) indicates this is likely the last visit due to the individual having asked to be removed from the roster.