Weekly Attendance

2012 October 21
The Energy Connection

Active:   21
Inactive:  1
Friends:   2
Visitors:  2
Youths:    4
Speaker:   1 (Joyce Rennolds)
Total:    31

Geraldine Barker *
Ben Bradley
Laura Burton
Kasey Castleberry *
David Center *
Shirley Center *
Sam Davis *
Allen Depta *
Janet Dunsmore
Carol Johnson
David Johnson
Linda Kelly
Robin Lewis-Wild *
Martha Martin
Sally Pamplin
Kathy Romanick
Donna Waddell
Ted Woehr
Terry Woehr
Gayle Wood
Geri Zimmermann

Rita Thrasher

Aimee Cribbs
Bruce Wood

Damon Fogg *(2nd visit)
Donna Fogg *(1st visit)

Hope Cribbs
Andrew Romanick
Ethan Romanick
Eva Thrasher

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC).An astrix (*) indicates stayed for the video presentation. Myra Kibler came for the video.