Weekly Attendance

2012 July 08
Spirituality and Religion

Active:   16
Inactive:  1
Friends:   1
Visitors:  0
Youths:    0
Speaker:   0
Total:    18

Ben Bradley
Kasey Castleberry *
David Center * (speaker)
Shirley Center * (service leader)
Mike Davis
Sam Davis
Allen Depta
Carol Johnson
David Johnson
Linda Kelly *
Robin Lewis-Wild
Sally Pamplin
Kathy Romanick
Donna Waddell
Terry Woehr
Geri Zimmermann

Laura Burton (full reactivation on August 05)

Mick Wascom * † (3rd visit)

Meditiation, 09:30-10:00
Total: 5 (4 members + 1 guest)

Data from attendance sheet (KC). An astrix (*) indicates came for meditation.
&dagger Mick Wascom is a friend of David Center and first visited at GAHA, since this is at least his third visit, he is now listed as a friend.