Weekly Attendance

2012 June 17, Fathers Day
Family Ties

Active:   18
Inactive:  0
Friends:   2
Visitors:  2
Youths:    0
Speaker:   1 (Ken Sizemore)
Total:    23

Karen Boyer
Ben Bradley
Kasey Castleberry (service leader) †
David Center * †
Shirley Center * †
Mike Davis
Sam Davis
Allen Depta
Janet Dunsmore *
Carol Johnson †
David Johnson †
Robin Lewis-Wild& dagger;
Linda Kelly *
Bob Sherrod
Donna Waddell
Ted Woehr †
Terry Woehr †
Geri Zimmermann †

Sheila Powers
Gordon Urquhark

Susan Littlejohn
Chris Curtin (lst visit, Linda Kelly's friend)

Meditiation, 09:30-10:00
Total: 4 (4 members + 0 guests)

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). An asterix (*) indicates came for meditation. A dagger (†) indicates they stayed for the Board of Directors meeting. Kathy Romanick came for the BoD meeting.