Weekly Attendance

2017 December 31
"The Unitarian Universalist Touchstones Program and the Theme of Faith"

24 Active
02 Inactive
02 Friends
05 Visitors
02 Youths
00 Speaker
35 Total (core = 28)

Mary Anderson
Thomas Ash
Geraldine Barker
Colleen Burdick
Laura Burton
Kasey Castleberry
Patrick Cavigliani
Kalee Coakley
Helen Greene
David Johnson
Lorraine Jones
Linda Kelly
Susan Maloney
Arthur Nelson
Gretchen Norris
Karl Seidman
Monique Swyer
Diane Wickham
Ted Woehr
Terry Woehr
Ed Wolpert
Bruce Wood (speaker)
Gayle Wood
John/Jessica Wyman

Dan Parker
Jodie Parker

Melba Gandy
Mary Pralat

Colleen Dally (1st)
Sally Dowling (1st)
Cindy Falor (1st)
Jim Falor (1st)
Beth Williams (1st)

Ryn Baldwin
Kane Parker (service leader)

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). Dan Parker came in late but attended much of the service and the potluck afterward.