Weekly Attendance

2017 July 16
"The Spiritual Practice of Change"

25 Active
02 Inactive
05 Friends
03 Visitors
02 Youths
01 Speaker: Rev. Scott Dillard
38 Total (core = 32)

Thomas Ash
Geraldine Barker
Laura Burton
Kasey Castleberry
Kalee Coakley (joined)
Adrienne Corticelli
Jack Culler
Judy Culler
Sam Davis (Service Leader)
Helen Greene
David Johnson
Lorraine Jones
Linda Kelly
Ann Low
David Noel
Gretchen Norris
Tom Norris
Kathy Romanick
Michael Romanick
Karl Seidman
Laura Sturgis
Monique Swyer (joined)
Ed Wolpert
Bruce Wood
Gayle Wood

Sally Pamplin
LarryJo Weas

Kay Allred
Beka Christa
Melba Gandy
Chris Lamphere
Cindy Read

Henry Ruiz (2nd)
Greg Thrower (1st)
Terry Thrower (1st)

Hanna Al-Bulushi
Ryn Baldwin

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). Terry's helper dog's name is Guava. LarryJo's young ward, Dakota, did not attend the service, but he did come in for Sandwich Sunday, and he fixed our metal door so that it will remain shut now.