Weekly Attendance

2017 May 28
"Undermining of Democratic Institutions"

24 Active
02 Inactive
06 Friends
04 Visitors
09 Youths (RE = 5)
01 Speaker (George Justicz*)
46 Total (core = 32)

Thomas Ash
Geraldine Barker
Alysha Burch
Laura Burton
Kasey Castleberry
Adrienne Corticelli
Sam Davis
Daniel Elrod
Blenda Fairman
Helen Greene
Lorraine Jones
Linda Kelly
Wendy Klimbal
Ann Low
David Noel
Gretchen Norris
Tom Norris
Karl Seidman
Laura Sturgis
Ron Sturgis
Terry Woehr
Ed Wolpert
Bruce Wood
Gayle Wood (service leader)

Colton Parker
Heather Parker

Colleen Burdick
Beka Christa
Kaylee Coakley
Ray Edge
Freddy Fairman
Matt McCormack

Katie Coakley (1st)
Pat Coakley (1st)
Sue Justicz (2nd)
Karen O'Donnell (1st)

Hanah Al-Bulushi
Ryn Baldwin
McKenna Burdick
Blaise Hulsey
Anthony Klimbal
Kason (Klimbal)
Jacob (Klimbal)
Kane Parker
Ronald Sturgis

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). *Because George has only been twice, counting today, I am counting him as a speaker instead of Visitor. (Members and Friends and not counted as Speakers.) Hannah, Kane, Anthony, and Jacob did not attend Youth RE.