Sunday Attendance

2016 April 10
"Stewardship and UU for You"

19 Active
01 Inactive
04 Friends
02 Visitors
13 Youths (RE = 11)
00 Speaker
39 Total (core = 24)

Thomas Ash
Geraldine Barker
Laura Burton
Kasey Castleberry
Michael DeBruce
Rachel DeBruce
Helen Greene
Lorraine Jones
Linda Kelly
Wendy Klimbal
Ann Low
Robert Low
Gretchen Norris
Tom Norris
Kathy Romanick
Donna Waddell (speaker)
Ted Woehr
Terry Woehr (speaker)
Ed Wolpert

Mary Anderson

Lynn Coker
Ray Edge
Chris Lamphere
Karl Seidman (3rd visit)

Kay Allred (2nd visit)
Ben Teasley (2nd visit)

Ava DeBruce
Emma DeBruce
Ella DeBruce
Gracie DeBruce
Michael DeBruce
Patches DeBruce
Ruthie DeBruce
Taylor DeBruce
Blaise Hulsey
Adrienne (Klimbal)
Alison (Klimbal)
Anthony Klimbal
Jacob (Klimbal)

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). Youth Sunday. Terry and Donna were co-speakers, no service leader.