Sunday Attendance

2016 January 10
"The Cost of Complacency"

22 Active
00 Inactive
04 Friends
02 Visitors
10 Youths (RE = 07)
01 Speaker: Antoine Simmons
39 Total (Core = 26)

Thomas Ash
Laura Burton (service leader)
Kasey Castleberry*
Aimee Cribbs
Jack Culler*
Judy Culler*
Cyr DeBruce
Helen Greene*
Lorraine Jones
Linda Kelly
Wendy Klimbal
Ann Low*
Robert Low
Gretchen Norris
Tom Norris
Kathy Romanick*
LarryJo Weas
Ted Woehr*
Terry Woehr*
Ed Wolpert
Bruce Wood*
Gayle Wood*


Becky Johnson
Nancy King
Michael Romanick
Carol Thomas

Adrienne Corticelli (1st visit)
Audrey Simmons (speaker's wife)

Ava DeBruce
Ella DeBruce
Emma DeBruce
Kiki Kiera DeBruce
Ruthie DeBruce
Blaise Hulsey
Anthony Klimbal
Amariah Simmons†
Ansley Simmons†
Asa Simmons†

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). Youth Sunday. †Speaker's children did not attend RE. *Attended Board of Directors meeting.