A New Manifestation

A new manifestation is at hand, a new hour is come.

When Man and Woman may regard
one another as brother and
sister, able both to appreciate
and to prophesy to one another.

A new manifestation is at hand, a new hour is come.

What Woman needs is not as a
woman to act or rule, but as a
nature to grow, as an intelligence
to discern, as a soul to live freely
and unimpeded, to unfold such
powers as were given her.

A new manifestation is at hand, a new hour is come.

Man does not have his fair share
either; his energies are repressed
and distorted by the interposition
of artificial obstacles.

A new manifestation is at hand, a new hour is come.

We would have every arbitrary
barrier thrown down. We would
have every path laid open to
Woman as freely as to Man.

Were this done, we believe a divine energy would
pervade nature to a degree unknown in the history of former ages.

A new manifestation is at hand,
a new hour is come.

Words by Margaret Fuller.