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Weekly Attendance

2019 December 01
"Repentance: The Turning Away From"

29 Active
00 Inactive
08 Friends
01 Visitors
03 Youths (RE=2, CC=1)
01 Speaker: Rev. Jennifer Dalton
42 Total (core = 37)

Mary Anderson (slides)
Geraldine Barker
Alysha Burch
Kasey Castleberry (song leader)
David Center (recording)
Shirley Center (service leader)
Adrienne Corticelli
Aimee Cribbs
Stacey Day
Peter Elvin
Helen Greene
Cindy Read Johnson
David Johnson
Mike Jones
Linda Kelly (greeter)
Gary Klein (joined, 3rd)
Ann Low
Joe Luckeroth (joined, 3rd)
Gretchen Norris
John Puett (piano)
Kathy Romanick
Michael Romanick
Karl Seidman
Laura Sturgis
Ron Sturgis (song leader)
Ted Woehr
Ed Wolpert
Bruce Wood
Gayle Wood (greeter)


Gretchen Bandy (YRE)
Diana Day
John Day
Sue Carol Elvin
Melba Gandy
David Harper (Childcare
Theresa McCormack
Jacob Pruett

James Shafie (2nd)

Aleister Bandy
Cassandra Harper
Ronald Sturgis

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). D-Harper minded his own daughter (Cassie). WT meeting and meditation after service.