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Weekly Attendance

2019 August 04
"Coming Home"

36 Active
00 Inactive
06 Friends
06 Visitors
03 Youths
01 Speaker: Rev. Jennifer Dalton
52 Total (core = 42)

Mary Anderson
Geraldine Barker
Ginny Bellinato
Rhonda Blackwell
Alysha Burch
Carissa Cassiel
Kasey Castleberry*
Patrick Cavigliano
David Center†
Shirley Center
Kalee Coakley
Aimee Cribbs
Helen Greene*
Alison Hite
Cooper Holland
Paige Jennings
Cindy Read Johnson
David Johnson
Lorraine Jones
Mike Jones*
Linda Kelly
Chris Lamphere
Ann Low*
Arthur Nelson*
John Puett
Crystal Robbins
Jason Robbins
Michael Romanick
Karl Seidman
Laura Sturgis
Ron Sturgis
Mel Tidwell
Ed Wolpert*
Bruce Wood*
Gayle Wood
Patricia Zolten


Melba Gandy
Robin Hyman
Nancy Newton
Paul Porter
Jacob Pruett
Jack Savage (3rd)

Carol Farrell (1st)
David Grubb (2nd)
Andrea Jackman (1st)
Ken Jackman (1st)
Amy Sarrell (1st)
Alison Solomon (1st)

Thane Cassiel
Cassandra Harper
Ronald Sturgis

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). †Non-voting member who has been actively attending for many, many months. *Attended special Board meeting. Meditation canceled due to space issues.