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Weekly Attendance

2019 June 30
"A Doctor and a Sheriff Partner in Peacebuilding"

32 Active
01 Inactive
05 Friends
03 Visitors
04 Youths
00 Speaker
45 Total (core = 38)

Mary Anderson
Geraldine Barker
Alysha Burch
Kasey Castleberry (slides)
Shirley Center†
Adrienne Corticelli
Kalee Coakley
Jack Culler
Judy Culler
Blenda Fairman
Helen Greene*
Nancy Hardt (speaker)
Alison Hite
Cooper Holland
Paige Jennings
Cindy Read Johnson
David Johnson
Lorraine Jones† (song leader)
Mike Jones*†
Linda Kelly
Ann Low
Gretchen Norris
Kathy Romanick
Michael Romanick
Karl Seidman* (service leader)
Rita Thrasher
Greg Thrower
Terri Thrower
Ted Woehr
Terry Woehr
Ed Wolpert
Gayle Wood (greeter)

David Center† (recording)

Samantha DeAndrea
Melba Gandy (piano)
Paul Porter (4th)
Beth Williams (4th)

Edan Alexander (1st, Blenda-Fairman's son)
Cliff Lancey (1st)
Nancy Porter (1st)

Ryn Baldwin
Ellie DeAndrea (2nd)
Ozzie DeAndrea
Cassandra Harper

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). *Steven-Lomanaco came for the 9AM discussion group but did not stay for the service. Kevin (Hall?) came before the service to check us out, did not seem comfortable, and left before the service began. †Meditation group after the service (not complete attendance).