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Weekly Attendance

2018 May 20
"Poverty for All"

29 Active
00 Inactive
03 Friends
01 Visitors
07 Youths (RE = 6)
00 Speaker
40 Total (core = 32)

Mary Anderson
Geraldine Barker
Alysha Burch
Laura Burton (speaker)
Kasey Castleberry*
Patrick Cavigliano
Kalee Coakley
Aimee Cribbs
Jack Culler
Judy Culler
Helen Greene*
Carl Jackson
Lorraine Jones
Linda Kelly
Wendy Klimbal
Ann Low
Susan Maloney
Arthur Nelson
Gretchen Norris
John Puett (piano)
Diana Rae
Michael Romanick
Karl Seidman
Mel Tidwell
Diane Wickham
Ted Woehr*
Terry Woehr
Ed Wolpert (service leader)
Gayle Wood


Joan Hill
Greg Thrower
Terri Thrower

Sara Burdon

Ryn Baldwin
Hope Cribbs
Cassandra Harper (infant)
Makayla Hightower
Race Hill
Blaise Hulsey
Anthony Klimbal

Notes: From attendance sheet (KC). Potluck and Youth RE. *Stayed for Sunday matinée.