Congregational Advocacy & Witness

You worked so hard during this electoral season and  here I am,  ‘knocking on your door’ again.  I know we’re all exhausted by 2020 and have been hoping for a well earned and needed pause.

Still, I must ask you to dip into any energy reserves you have left and join us for just ONE more of our phonebanks to Georgia for the Senate run-off election on January 5th.  Early voting started yesterday. Our Georgia UUs and their frontline  partner organizations need just two more hours of your time to support voters with the information they need to vote as voter suppression continues in Georgia.

Our next phone bank is on Thursday, Dec. 17th, from 7-9 pm ET/4-6 PT and is being co-sponsored by Forward Together UU Justice Ministry of North Carolina and by All Souls Unitarian Washington, DC, James Reeb Voting Rights Project.   Sign up here to join them!

We have put together a coalition of UU congregations and organizations who are taking shifts to make the work lighter.  A great group of volunteers are  providing  training and will assist you during the phonebank. You can see the full list of our phonebanks to Georgia and co-sponsors here.  Choose one that resonates and works best for you.

In this season of Hanukkah, let us take inspiration from the story of the little jar of oil that was all the people had left — only enough to keep the menorah lit for one evening — but somehow it kept burning for eight days.

Please sign up for our Thursday phone bank today. We can do this and consolidate the gains we have been working for this whole past year.  Let’s do this final push and cross the finish line for election 2020 together!

In faith and appreciation,

Susan Leslie  | Unitarian Universalist Association
Congregational Advocacy & Witness Director  |  Organizing Strategy Team
Phone (617) 948-4607Cell(617) 272-5386  |  | |
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UU the Vote is a non-partisan faith initiative, in partnership with broader justice movements, to engage our neighbors, educate our communities, mobilize voters, and rally around key ballot initiatives. Join with your UU community to create a future defined by love, justice, and faith.#Votelove

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