Sunday, 2018 MAY 06

2018 MAY 06: Join us as our young ones lead us through an annual UU ceremony, our special Flower Communion. Bring a flower to share. Express yourself: wildflowers, flower buds, and twigs all represent nature’s beauty so there is no need for store-bought bouquets. Come prepared to be renewed, rejuvenated, and inspired. We’ll have readings from classic children’s literature and a familiar song or two.

Our Youth RE Director, Dr. Aimee Cribbs, will present an all-ages sermon, entitled: “What Do God and Moms Have in Common?” In the sermon, Aimee will explore how her ideas of God and what it means to be a mother “grew up” along with her. Sunday’s message is one for mothers, but it also is for the children who love them. Since the message is being delivered by an educator with 20 years of elementary teaching experience, expect some fun twists and turns.

Mountain Light, 2502 Tails Creek Road (282 West), in Ellijay is a Welcoming Congregation. We welcome guests of all faiths, ethnicities, and gender identifications. Our coffee and fellowship begins at 10 AM, followed by the service, from 10:30 to 11:30.

Religious Education is normally provided for children on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Our service on May 06 is a special opportunity for children and youth to participate in our Flower Ceremony celebration. Children are always welcome to attend our services in the sanctuary. For information about our 7 Unitarian Universalist Principles and our future services, please go to

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