Rummage Sale Success

Nearly four dozen MLUUC members and friends contributed to a successful rummage sale last month, which netted well over $1600 for the church building repair & renovation fund. That amount, combined with approximately $450 profit from three farmers’ market booths this summer, covers the roof repair and some external building repair. Thus, our goal was achieved!

Countless thanks are sent out to all of you who:

• Cleaned, repaired, and prepared the building, making it suitable to hold the sale
• De-cluttered and cleaned the church, identifying and moving items to sell
• Picked up and delivered donations, and ran errands
• Donated, sorted, cleaned, organized, tested, and priced merchandise
• Made signs, posted them, and took them down
• Placed ads, and secured other advertising and publicity
• Loaned tables, shelves, equipment and supplies
• Made or prepared items sold at the market booth
• Staffed the sale or market, and helped with setting it all up and taking it all down on sale days
• Came to the sale and shopped

If there was something else that made this event happen but I didn’t mention it here, my deepest apologies. As the list shows, there was a tremendous amount of work required to stage the sale, and every contribution was invaluable.

My heartfelt appreciation to Kathy R. for heading this up with me, and for taking charge when I was ill and out of town.


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