JAN 01 Service

20161206aMountain Light Unitarian Universalist Church welcomes long-time member Kasey Castleberry, as guest speaker, January 1, 2017.  In his sermon, “Compassion through Mindfulness”, he reminds us that because our faith unites us in a strong tradition of seeking social justice for all people, we sometimes forget that we each have unique approaches to our common goal.  Let us begin this New Year by having crucial conversations which welcome different viewpoints and strengthen our resolve as we go forward in the New Year and in years to come.

Mountain Light is located at 2502 Tails Creek Rd/Hwy 282, next to the fire station.  Watch for our sign.  Services are held at 10:30 am preceded by coffee and conversation at 10:00 am.  You will be greeted by friendly folks in casual dress.

We have classes for school-aged children on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. Go to mluuc.org or check out Facebook for more information. Like us there.

Mountain Light is a welcoming congregation.  We welcome people of all faiths, ethnic backgrounds, sexual preferences, and gender identification.  Come and be accepted as you are.

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